Saturday, February 15, 2014

Finally seeing her again: Francis (By Nick C)

            Today I found and visited Nicole Sisters. On the train to her school thoughts bounced around jumping from one side to another side in my head. Since this was the first time I would see her I was very nervous about what would happen between us and if she would ever forgive me . I was so nervous I could feel my stomach twisting inside of me. This was the first time I have seen her in years and at first I failed to recognize her. She was the love of my life and at first I didn’t even know who she was! I just hoped that she could recognize me from first glance. I wouldn’t blame her if she couldn’t since I was wearing the scarf covering my face. The conversation between us was very awkward there were many pauses and long moments of silence between us. While we were talking she brought up that she was sorry of what she did. That surprised me a lot because she didn’t do anything to me it was I who didn’t keep my promise. The promise that I did not keep destroyed my life and made Nicole come to this school. If I had kept my promise we could still be in Frenchtown with all of our friends and be in our 4 in high school getting ready for college and maybe I could be a writer. While we were talking she suggested that I become a write after going to college. But I haven’t ever thought about what to do after college. My plans were to kill Larry then find Nicole. My plan was to try and get her back but it was difficult and if she would agree it would change my mind about the gun. I later decided to not kill myself and go to college then write about my experiences. This would include all of my life about before the incident and after. The reason I didn’t choose the war was because that wasn’t my biggest conflict it was just a solution for what I did to Nicole. The last word that I ever heard from Nicole was the words “Have a good life Francis. Be whatever will make you happy.” The world had frozen in time for a moment. This really hit me as I would never see her again and that she never wants to see me again. But how could I get over her if my whole life was devoted to finding her and being together again. Although she would not want to see me again I feel a little better now that I can accomplish what Nicole told me to do and become a writer.  But the only one I love, I would never see Nicole Renard again.  at her new private school, St. Anne’s, “an Academy of the Sisters…

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